Shipping to Ireland

Shipping to Ireland (Is aistriúchán leictreonach é seo. Gabhaimid leithscéal as aon mhionearráidí.)

Déanaimid ár gcuid táirgí a sheachadadh ar fud na hEorpa agus ar ndóigh go hÉirinn freisin.
Soláthraímid ár futons, tochtanna agus gach táirge eile...
Tá na costais seachadta an-difriúil, ag brath ar na hearraí agus cén áit go díreach. Ní féidir lenár siopa é seo a ríomh go huathoibríoch.
Dá bhrí sin, taispeántar meastachán ginearálta anseo, a fhreagraíonn do futon nó mattress mór: €120. Tar éis cúpla lá, nuair a bhíonn an praghas seachadta cruinn ar eolas againn, déanfaimid do dhearbhú ordú a cheartú.
Is féidir leis an méid a bheith níos airde nó níos ísle. Má tá na fíorchostais seachadta ró-ard duit ansin, féadfaidh tú an t-ordú a chur ar ceal arís. Ní thabhóidh tú aon chostais.
Nó is féidir leat ceist a chur orainn roimh ré tríd an táirge/na táirgí atá uait agus do chód zip a chur in iúl dúinn. Cuirfimid in iúl duit ansin na costais seachadta cruinn.

Tá orduithe beaga suas le méid pacáiste 60/60/120cm, a sheolaimid tríd an bpost, níos saoire ná an méid luaite. Ceartóidh muid an praghas ansin agus seolfaimid deimhniú nua chugat.
Tá sé tábhachtach go dtagann do futon nó tocht lómhar chugat go sábháilte agus gan damáiste. Má tá aon cheist agat, scríobh chugainn le do thoil, i do theanga freisin.

Beannachtaí te ó fhoireann Futonwerk agus Neonatura

Ar ais

Shipping to Ireland

We deliver our products all over Europe and of course to Ireland as well.
We supply our futons, mattresses and all other products...
The delivery costs are very different, depending on which goods and where exactly. Our shop cannot calculate this automatically.
Therefore, a general estimate is shown here, which corresponds to a large futon or mattress: €120. After a few days, when we know the exact delivery price, we will correct your order confirmation.
The amount can be higher or lower. If the real delivery costs are then too high for you, you can cancel the order again. You will not incur any costs.
Or you can ask us beforehand by telling us the product(s) you want and your zip code. We will then inform you of the exact delivery costs.

Small orders up to a package size of 60/60/120cm, which we send by post, are cheaper than the stated amount. We will then correct the price and send you a new confirmation.
It is important that your precious futon or mattress comes to you safely and undamaged. If you have any questions, please write to us, also in your language.

Warm greetings from the Futonwerk and Neonatura team
